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Research Paper

Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024)

The importance of the fourth dimensions of fundamental rights in biotechnology and its constitutional effectiveness



This article analyzes the classification of biotechnology as part of the fourth dimension of fundamental rights, focusing on its essential content and effectiveness as a constitutional norm. The study explores how biotechnology is incorporated into international treaties and how this recognition impacts the enforcement of fundamental rights. A bibliographic and literature review was conducted, drawing on studies, scientific articles, and doctrines from respected researchers and specialists in the fields of biotechnology and fundamental rights. Sources were selected based on their relevance and contemporaneity, focusing on materials from the last ten years. The research examined key international treaties, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity, to assess their role in shaping biotechnology as a fundamental right. The findings reveal significant gaps in Brazilian legislation concerning biotechnology, which hinder the effective implementation of related fundamental rights, particularly in terms of equitable access and sustainable development. While international efforts to regulate biotechnology are advancing, national implementation remains inadequate. The study highlights the need for a more comprehensive normative framework and the development of public policies that ensure the responsible and safe advancement of biotechnology. It concludes that clearer legal interpretation and stronger policy measures are required to fully integrate biotechnology into the fourth dimension of fundamental rights, thereby promoting scientific and technological progress that benefits society effectively and safely.



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