IJAMB had its beginning counting on a highly qualified team in different areas of knowledge which will be of great value in terms of improving impact and novelty related to the publications.
This journal aims to be a vehicle for disseminating research, advances and developments in the field of medical biotechnology, with emphasis in medicinal chemistry, bioelectronics, biophotonics, biopolymers, 3D printing for biomedical applications, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine areas. In addition, the submission of new methodologies that support studies within the above mentioned areas are also welcome.
Our Publishing Process is based on the most relevant journals related to the topics covered by IJAMB, which periodicity at this first moment will be biennial.
We are pleasure to invite colleagues according to the mentioned areas of interest to submit their articles for analysis in our editorial peer-reviewed system which will certainly allow an evaluation with ethics and criteria. It is known that there is a large number of "predatory" magazines that reduce quality in cientific publishing and some charge for their publications. This magazine will be the "online" and "open access" type, making the articles visible and available for download at any time in any part of the world.
IJAMB is already in English language format, so that in a short time the magazine will be internationally recognized, allowing a new range of collaborators and referees, as well as new members to the editorial staff. Therefore, we are very hopefull that all members envolved and future ones will really strive to contribute to the evolution of this publication which quality and impact of the shared information will certainly increase.
Welcome to the International Journal of Advances in Medical Biotechnology !